Peoria seniors lose last hurrah
March 30, 2020 by Dominic Rivera, Arizona State University

Dominic Rivera is an ASU Cronkite School of Journalism student assigned to cover Peoria High School for
For senior athletes statewide, the seriousness of COVID-19 could not have come at a worse time.
Peoria senior Deandre Petty has been waiting and practicing all year to not only play in his final year but compete for a scholarship.
“It affected me a lot, I am not really recruited at all right now, so I feel like this stops the whole recruitment process,” said Petty. “I was doing track still and the big Peoria invite was canceled. This pandemic is a whole mess but sports wise if you really want it, you have to be ready for whatever so I’m just working hard as I possibly can until my name is called.”
Petty’s teammate and fellow senior Isaac Monroe shares the same thought.
“I was planning on playing AAU basketball, but they canceled that,” said Monroe. “I’m still working towards scholarships and yes I have worries but I believe everything will work out, just more focused on staying safe.”
Not only has the virus hindered the athletes chances at scholarships, but more importantly it is also costing them their senior experience.
“At first I thought it was kind of cool because it’s like an extended summer. But then I remembered that we have no graduation and we can’t walk the stage,” said Monroe. “(Graduation) means a lot because I’ve been waiting for graduation for four years and every senior has to go to prom.”
It is just setting in for Petty.
“I feel bad for all my fellow 2020 classmates around the whole world because we’ll never get the real high school experience. Prom to me is just a dance but graduation is a milestone not everybody reaches so it means a lot to me. Hopefully when this pandemic is all said and done, I can walk across the stage with my peers,” said Petty.
Even though their senior activities have been cancelled , they are aware that it is for the greater good of the community and are taking the necessary precautions to help end the spread of the coronavirus.
“I have been social distancing and I hope everybody is,” said Petty. “The quicker we social distance the quicker this is over.”