Chandler Prep's Class of 2022 boys soccer seniors
February 13, 2022 by Caleb Gottry, Chandler Preparatory Academy

Caleb Gottry attends Chandler Preparatory Academy and is a member of the AIA’s Student SID program.
The Chandler Prep Titans boys soccer program graduates five seniors this year. The Titan senior community and parents honored these seniors, and read aloud were their responses to four prompts. The following are some of the responses that stood out. Titan Up.
Question: What is your favorite memory or moment as a part of Chandler Prep soccer?
Grant Peake: My favorite moment from Chandler Prep soccer was during my sophomore year. I was barely on varsity at the time and did not have much experience at the higher level. We played Gilbert Christian who was very high ranked and I was extremely nervous. But after getting into the game, when the score was 2-2, I scored the game winning goal with little to no time left. Although this moment was encouraging, the times we had pre-game talks, bus rides, and getting to go to IHOP when Coach Josh cancels 6AM practice helped make soccer at CPA that much better.
Tyler Severa: Choosing a favorite memory from Chandler Prep soccer is a hard to thing to do, so I didn’t. But if I really had to, it would be just playing this sport, playing soccer at 6AM to playing soccer at 6PM. From early morning practices to late nights, that is where my favorite memories where created, on this field, and under these CPA lights that we lie under tonight. So, when someone asks what my favorite memory is, I would just say playing this game.
Question: Who were some of your biggest influences at Chandler Prep as a soccer player and scholar athlete?
Sam Davis: I have always been influenced by the seniors before me. They had so much heart and dedication and I want to pass that on to the upcoming seniors. I wanted to leave an impact on the team and do everything I can to lift them up and show them how to be a leader. I want to thank my parents as well for pushing me at every step of my soccer career, I would not have become the keeper I am today without you guys. Thank you so much! Also, thank you Morgan for everything you do for this team!
Question: What advice do you leave with next year’s returning players?
Jake Davis: Some advice for the younger guys: practice makes perfect. I know it’s cliché, but it seriously helps with not only soccer but with everything. I would have never made it this far without making as much time for practice as possible. And yes, practice at 6AM is more or less the worst part about winter, but it paid off.
AJ Cheroske: I advise returning players to give it your all, no matter what, whether it be 6AM practice or a tournament game. Fight with all your heart and strength and we will come out on top. Make sure to protect your teammates; those are your brothers. Have each other’s backs and bring each other up to win together. Brothers argue sometimes, but we come back together as a team.
Question: What are your plans for next year – post CPA?
GP: Next year, I plan to study Construction Management at ASU.
TS: After graduation, I will be attending GCU this fall and studying sports-management and business.
SD: Next year, I will most likely be attending ASU for psychology and criminal studies.
JD: I’m planning on going to a university in Hawaii and my studies will be on marine biology. Also, one of the universities has an esports team so maybe some gaming will be done in the future.
AC: My plans for post CPA are to attend Mesa Community College. No idea for a major yet, but I’m just along for the ride.