Chandler Prep's Class of 2022 boys basketball seniors
February 13, 2022 by Caleb Gottry, Chandler Preparatory Academy

Caleb Gottry attends Chandler Preparatory Academy and is a member of the AIA’s Student SID program.
The Chandler Prep Titans boys basketball program graduates nine seniors this year. Two of those seniors were not able to play this year, Isaac Land and Conner Mason, but each still attended every game, Mason even serving as team manager. The Titan senior community and parents honored these nine seniors, and read aloud were their responses to four prompts. The following are some of the responses that stood out. Titan Up.
Question: What is your favorite memory or moment as a part of Chandler Prep basketball?
Josh VanOrdt (#10): My favorite memory is when we all got to take a trip to Las Vegas to play some basketball. We got to play some of the top teams in California, and yeah, we might have got out-talented, but we did not get out-worked. During that time, we really came together as a team and made memories we will never forget. We all just built a lifelong brotherhood.
Clark Jordan (#21): My favorite memory was our first game in Vegas. We had just got off the bus straight from school. When we walked into the gym, it was clear we were outmatched as most of their kids were bigger than any of our guys. We ended up playing really well, but still lost. It kicked off our Vegas trip and it was a great experience.
Owen Coulter (#3): First and foremost, I would like to thank God for keeping me healthy throughout this season and for blessing me with such a great team! I enjoyed all of our trips, Prescott, Vegas, and Sedona (which was my favorite), but I think what I’ll remember most are the little things: our competition during scrimmages, messing around during practice, and hanging out in class are what made this team a great place to be. I loved our resiliency during the uncertainty of the pandemic and I love our endless support of each other. I wish you all the best!
Question: What do you want to say to your team?
Conner Mason (#24): Managing you guys was an amazing choice and I am glad I was given this opportunity. I can’t really play sports anymore, but this was a great way for me to stay in contact with my friends and teammates. For this opportunity, I am so grateful.
Luke Padgett (#12): A message I would leave to the team and all the upcoming players is to get better everyday in some way. There will be off nights, nights when you’re tired or stressed, but when you’re in that gym, give it your all and make this great program proud. Trust yourself and each other and do it together.
Isaac Land (#25): One thing that I have learned this year is that, no matter what happens in your life, you always have something to be thankful for. This season has taught me that you never know what you have until it’s gone. So, be thankful for what you have and don’t take it for granted.
Question: Who do you want to thank?
Langston Harris (#22): I would like to thank Coach Wilson and Coach Nick for giving me the chance to ball and hoop. I would also like to thank my team for trusting and helping me through this season. I would also like to thank my mom and dad for showing up to most of the games and making me the man I am today. Finally, I’d like to thank my little brother for always pushing me to be better and making me the best player even though you could never beat me one-on-one. I just let you win.
Zach Romesburg (#11): I want to thank my parents for supporting my basketball journey since the beginning. Talking after games on what I can do better and how well my team played as a whole will be conversations I won’t forget. I also want to thank you for paying for all of the clubs, school ball, youth league, and shoe payments. I would have never gotten this far in one of the games I love without your continuous support. I love you both.
Noah Rasmussen (#15): To my parents, thank you for the support throughout the years, and thanks for coming to the games and being loud, especially when our energy was low. To my coaches, thank you for pushing me to be my best over the past four years. I appreciate all of the work you guys have put into us as a team, on and off the court. You have helped develop us into great young men.