Class of 2022 Titan softball seniors
May 12, 2022 by Caleb Gottry, Chandler Preparatory Academy

Caleb Gottry attends Chandler Preparatory Academy and is a member of the AIA’s Student SID program.
Titan Softball is truly a family affair. With the two head coaches fully invested in the team’s well-being, as well as their athletic success, the softball senior night honorings took a while, even more so as those two coaches weren’t only coaches but also two senior dads (Coach Raul Guadian and Coach Mark Brodnik). As long as the celebration went into the night, no one was left out. Non-senior players, Titan families, and Titan friends were brought into the senior softball family for one night of memories, tears, and thankfulness. The thanks dominated the night. With speeches from underclassman and coaches to the senior players and from the seniors to their parents, teammates, coaches, and friends, Chandler Prep softball was thankful for one another and how softball brought them all together in a special way. In addition to these expressions of gratitude from all sides, the seniors also shared responses to four questions about past memories and experiences as well as words of wisdom for the team and future plans after graduation. The following are some of the responses that stood out. Titan Up.
Question: What are some of your favorite memories or moments from playing Chandler Prep softball?
Lois Brodnik: My favorite memory from my years in softball was during my junior year when we traveled out to Superior. We were not expecting to win, after previously getting run ruled, but we somehow managed to put up 10 runs in the first couple innings. In the bottom of the 7th, the tying run was on third with two outs and I was pitching. The last out of the game was a ground ball to me, I threw it to Allison who made the catch of her life, and we won. I will never forget jumping and running to Coach Raul and hugging him and then seeing the whole team behind me sprint off the field. We celebrated afterwards with yummy burritos.
Emily Curran: My favorite memory has to be from the Superior game last year as well. I’m an adrenaline junkie; I love the high-intensity games and when it pays off, even better. Seeing how everyone came together and rallied is something that I’m never going to forget. The energy was electric in the dugout, and those moments are why I love playing softball, but especially why I love playing softball with all of you.
Question: What has your softball team experience taught you? Is there something you learned about yourself? Has it left an impact on your life that you will carry forward?
Gracie Cornelius: I’ve learned that on the softball field, even if you don’t know what you’re doing, if you do something with confidence it will work out. I rarely knew what I was doing, but I still had a great time.
Isa Guadian: To my fellow senior teammates, Lois, Rita, Emily, Isabel and Gracie: I am eternally grateful that we have been on this softball journey together. Next year, we will all be in different cities experiencing different life events and this softball field will only be a memory. But it will be a wonderful memory that will stay with us forever, that will eternally bond us. We have had so many wonderful times on and off the field and I will miss you all greatly.
Question: What advice do you leave with next year’s returning players?
Isabel Garcia: Don’t stress. I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s when you stress out that you make mistakes. But it’s okay, because you’re going to make mistakes. That’s fine—just go in with a clear mind, relax, and it’s all going to be okay. Don’t forget about Tabata Tuesdays.
Rita Maza: The best piece of advice I can pass on is to never take your time as a team for granted. Listen to each other. Do a handstand. Be confident. Go out together for food or soda. Party it up in the locker rooms. Meme terrible pictures of each other. Make hilariously violent alliteration hashtags. Have fun and know that you will never regret being on this team, no matter how many Tabata Tuesdays you endure. In fact, you will forever be grateful for the friendships it's given you.
Question: What are your plans for next year – post CPA?
LB: In the fall, I will be attending Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to study nursing. I hope to play club softball as well, because I’m not quite ready to give it up.
EC: I don’t even want to start thinking about it yet, but next year I will be going to the University of Chicago. Who knows what I’ll end up majoring in, but it definitely won’t be S.T.E.M.
GC: I’m going to Westmont College to study biology and pre-nursing.
Guadian: I will be attending Barrett at ASU and majoring in biomedical sciences. I won’t be too far away, so you can count on me dropping by to see you all play next season.
Garcia: I will be attending the University of Pennsylvania where I will be studying materials science and engineering with a focus on clean energy.
RM: I will be attending Benedictine College in Kansas to study nursing.