ALA football bounces back after adversity
November 3, 2023 by Rayna Maggelet, Arizona State University

Rayna Maggelet is an ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication student assigned to cover Arizona Lutheran Academy for AZPreps365.
Arizona Lutheran Academy's football finished the 2023 regular season with an undefeated 10-0 record as it headed into the first round of the 2A playoffs against Scottsdale Preparatory Academy on Friday night.
The 52-6 win moved the Coyotes to the second round against No. 7 Tanque Verde.
It's a big change from last season's difficult season.
Last season ALA was faced with numerous adversities, such as a difficult schedule and season-ending injuries among the starting players, resulting in a 5-5 season. The season prior, the Coyotes won state.
So how exactly did they bounce back so quickly?
It's simple. Discipline, dedication, and determination from both the athletes and coaching staff.
"They [the athletes] are more focused, driven, and disciplined than last year. Basking in that glow of a championship carried on, then we got hit by injuries and good competition," head coach of the ALA football team David Peter said. "If you're not driven, disciplined, and focused you pay the price. We slipped a little last year in those three areas."
As a coach, it was Peter's role to empower his athletes to lead and motivate the team. Both the juniors and seniors responded and stepped up for not just the team but also for themselves.
"The team has really matured as a whole because, at the end of the day, we all have the same be the last team standing," senior quarterback and safety Jorge Lomeli said. "Understanding the now we are the seniors and we have to be a good example for the freshmen so they can carry on our football program's legacy."
ALA's difficulties weren't rooted in their playing, instead, it was that they faced tough competition with unlucky circumstances.
"We still wanted to finish the season [2022] strong because that's what you do in life. You don't just give up and quit because people that give up and quit, in my opinion, are people that will probably struggle in life," Peter said. "If you don't work to get better then you deal with what the results are."
Senior running back and cornerback Rylan Bass has played a key role for ALA this season, as he is ranked number 11 in Arizona for total touchdowns for the 2023-24 season.
For Bass, keeping the intensity consistent for all games is his way to have a successful season plus a little hardship from the coaches.
"The coaches really made it a point to get on us this year," Bass said.
Both athletes mentioned how the coaching staff devoured the team with tough love especially going into the playoffs against Scottsdale Preparatory Academy on Friday night.
Senior wide receiver and cornerback Luis Guerrero is remembering not to overlook his opponent and to stay humble even with ALA's undefeated record.
"We're really watching and making sure they don't beat us with trick plays," Guerrero said. "They got nothing to lose. They [Scottsdale Preparatory Academy] are the 15th seed, we're the number two seed."
Coach Peter emphasized that the team is 0-0 in playoffs and to take it one game at a time, according to Guerrero.
"When you get done with football season, you game plan the next season to be successful not just on the football field, but in life," Peter shared.